Monday, October 11, 2010


So the other day someone made a comment, not to me, but it still gets to me. She had said that stay at home moms make more well rounded kids. So does that mean that i am hurting Kady by working? I thought it meant that i was providing everything that she needed. This person had then something like she works full time as a mom and those that work arnt full time moms. Well i beg to differ. I am a full time mom and work full time. I do both!! I may not be with Kady all day but i am still her mom and will always be an involved mom!

I think that comment hit me even harder because I'm feeling guilty for when she starts school. she will be in school all day tues, weds and thurs. which means she needs to be there at least by 8am ( they do a special thing just for the 2 year olds) and then Grandma will get Kady after work. Since both Jimmy and I will be at work until after her bedtime. So i really wont see much of kady those 3 days. Which bothers me! But we now have 2 set family days where we never had that before. And jimmy is off super early on Sat now so its only those 3 days that bug me.

Ok enough venting. Still feel guilty but i do know i am both a full time and a working mom


  1. Don't even get me started on the WOHM vs SAHM saga. Each have their pros and cons. Until you walk a mile in another family's shoes, don't judge. You do what you have to for your family - even if that means working 3 jobs to put food on the table and a roof over your head.

    Coming from a family where our Mom did both work and stay at home - we liked her more when she worked, and she was also happier when she worked. But it's a personal choice and someone shouldn't judge or make snippy comments for someone's choice to do something different.

    Sounds like someone should keep their opinions to themselves - especially if you wouldn't like someone bashing SAHM for eating bon bons all day and watching soaps (which I'm not saying is the case here). Just generalizations like this would piss anyone off no matter their standing.

    So Lisa, don't let the crap comments like that bother you! It sounds more like someone is insecure with their standing in the family and needs to defend themselves by striking out. Just my 2-cents.

  2. Lisa, first of all you ARE a full-time mom! You will have to learn to just roll your eyes and let those comments go.

    Every mom has their reasons why they stay home or why they work and why it is better for their kids. Sometimes it isn't even what they really want to do but need to do. Whether they are working because they need to help support the family or they are staying home because what they bring in for income wouldn't pay for full-time daycare.

    Every mom is going to state the reasons/excuses for what they are doing to fit their situation.

    Except for working full-time (before they were in school full-time) and having the girls in daycare full-time I can say I pretty much did every scenario. And I can give reasons why each was good or bad, but it all comes down to what was right for our family at the time.

    You are doing what is right for your family right now so that is the right decision for you.
