Sunday, June 27, 2010


Sorry for the long delay in posts. Ive been busy at work and trying to start the wedding plans. Here are a few random shots of the kiddo

sleepy girl

playing with her hair accessories

At her first wedding in May

She is becoming such a big girl except for the fact that she still doesnt want to talk. She hasnt said some of the words she would say in awhile. Now she says Mama, Dada, Kitty, sit, chip. thats it! It is SO driving me nuts. Any suggestions? Not giving her what she wants doesnt help at all!!Ive even stopped showing her all her signing videos. She knows how to sign a lot of things but talk already.
She has also become quite a good little eater when she wants to be. She LOVES fruit and shes starting to eat veggies. She likes green beans, shredded carrots and cucumber. And we hide spinach in her grilled cheese..HA!
But we have also entered the terrible 2's and boy am I ready for them to be over! She loves to bang her head on anything or anyone if shes not happy. I even put her in time out the other day (which is to put her in a spare room and shut the door for a minute) and she started banging her head on the door! What to do with her!? Shes also learning to bite if shes not getting her way. UGH
On a good note though her crib is now a toddler bed. She was starting to try and climb out of it so Jimmy just converted it. Shes fallen out once and got her elbow between the bars but no injuries other then a bruise.


  1. Biting - bite her back

    Tantrums - you're farrrr from being over them

    Talking - don't stop the ST videos. She'll come around. Talk to your doctor if you're worried, or get someone from the state to do some intervention/testing to see of there's an issue. I doubt it though.

  2. Just keep working with her on the talking. Any time you give her something or are reading books say the word and have her repeat it. Pretty soon you will be asking how to get her to stop talking!

    Good luck on the tantrums - they might stop in about 18 years!
