Sunday, April 25, 2010

new car

Sorry for the delay between postings. Its been crazy around here. Besides Kady keeping us busy, Jimmy has been working 6 days a week for the past 2 months, Ive been sick almost all month and just stress. I had a coworker whos baby died so all i wanna do is hang with Kady and do nothing else.
But a few weeks ago, Jimmy got so tired of his truck that Kady could barely fit in so we went to the dealer just to see. Well we walked out with an 05 yukon xl. This thing is a bus! Its a 9 seater and equipped with a dvd player for Kady. We just cant figure out the sound to it yet. But its nice for us to fit in a car where we arnt all squished. Even my mini suv is getting small.
Other wise not a whole has been going on. Kady is playing a waiting game. She cant wait to meet her new cousin Olivia (Olive) whos due to enter the world on 4/30.

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