Monday, February 15, 2010

poor Kady

About a week and half ago Kady had her first real big sickness. First one in 15 months isnt bad, but still freaked the crap out of Jimmy and I. Started out with just a low fever. We just thought it was from the shots she had few days prior. Well then one day the fever spiked to over 104! YIKES. Unfortunately I was at work when this happened so Jimmy threw Kady into the bath to try and lower her temp. It would work for about an hour and then it would go back up to at lease 102. She slowly started getting better. Then i noticed she was really playing with her ears. She never does that, even when she was teething. So we took her in to see the Dr thinking it was ear infection. Nope. When we go there is when we started to see a rash. It was all over her tummy and face. She was diagnosed with Roseola. Poor baby! The next day the rash started going away and about 2 days after she was back to her playful self.

right before the fever came on

Striking a pose

kady with her fever :(
Her Dr also wants Kady to gain some weight. Before her next apt in April she needs to gain about 3lbs! How are we to do that? She eats, picky, but she eats. She is just ALWAYS on the go. She currently weighs 23lbs and is just under 33in. Shes tall and thin. Her height and head are both in the 98% and her weight is about 30%. Not to bad compared to cousin Drew who is 13 months older! She will catch up to him soon!!


  1. Poor thing. It sucks to see them so miserable doesn't it?!

    And 3 pounds in 2 months? That is impossible. Frankly they don't gain fast at this age, and it's normal. Be happy if she gains even 1 pound.

  2. Poor Baby! Glad to hear that she is all better. Those first illnesses with high fevers are scary.

    Good luck with that weight gain. I bet if you looked at your baby book you weren't any bigger.
