Monday, March 21, 2011

kady and her boyfriend

Kady has a new boyfriend at school. Thats right, Dylan is out of the picture and Justin is back in. He is just adorable! He is also a 2YO. He and Kady usually get to school around the same time and when they see each other their eyes just light up! The other day one of the teaches took some pictures of them and they are the cutest things! Now if you ask Jimmy, he would say the complete opposite LOL

On other school notes, Kady is doing good. She finally is talking to the teachers and other kids! They didn't believe that she talked for awhile. And for those that no how she falls asleep, they have to go into the nap room and tell her to be quiet. And for those that don't know how she falls asleep. I will try to explain but its gonna be tough. She has her blanky, rubs in on her nose and cheeks and makes this odd noise. I cant describe it. But it does get rather loud. And well I guess she makes it tough for some of the other kids to nap. Such a silly girl.

Friday, January 7, 2011

sad yet so cute

So the other day I get a phone call from Kadys pre school. They called to tell me that Kady had fallen out of the sand box and landed on her forehead. OUCH, go into panic mode. But the assured me shes was ok, just a little red scratch. And Kady didn't even cry! She is one touch kid! But when i got the whole story of what happened it actually made me smile. She and Dylan, a 2 YO, were giving each other a hug and they both lost their balance and fell. Kady has another friend! I'm so happy. I get all the time from her teachers that shes so quiet and likes to be with them then the kids. So she is making progress.

But the next day on the way to school. I asked her if Dylan was cute. Both Jimmy and I were looking at her and she said no. But as soon as Jimmy turned away and shook her head yes! Then she got all embarrassed. My little girl has a crush! I guess Kady, Dylan and Justin (another 2 YO) have become buddies.

Now if all this boy stuff is starting now, I'm really afraid of whats to come in the teenage years!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the sweetest note

So when I got home tonight from work, there was a note on the counter from one of Kady's teachers and its just too cute not to share.

Kady and another child were in the back room playing, and Kady started talking. We weren't sure what she was saying, but she was talking away! The children don't hear her talk, so when the other child heard her talk he got so excited and started yelling to the teachers "shes talking she talks!" It was too cute!

Now if they only knew that Kady would be quiet sometimes at home it would be good. But i guess she takes after her Mom!

Monday, November 1, 2010

school day

October 26 was Kady's first day of preschool. When did my baby grow up?!? It was a rough morning for all of us. Kady didn't want to sleep Monday night and didn't fall asleep til close to 11 and well a 6am wake up call didn't make her happy.

with her backpack and lunch box

at school eating breakfast
When we arrived in school she didn't know what to do. She went right for the food of course but wouldn't eat anything but the toast. And when it was time for jimmy and I to leave it was all bad. When we started to walk away Ms Jackie was there to talk to her and distract her, but when i went to close the door behind me i saw the look on Kady's face and saw her lip come out and I lost it. I cried like i was a little girl. I knew she was in good hands and that this is such a good thing for her but i was feeling guilty. They called around 12 and just filled us in on her day. She wouldn't eat breakfast or lunch, so now I'm thinking shes starving herself. But one of the teachers texted Grandma (grandma works for the same company, just a different campus) and let us know she ate snacks but wouldn't play with the kids, only stood by the teachers.
The next few days got better. She would cry when we left but she would eat and started playing with the kids. She even naps for them! They just need to be close by til she is asleep. But she does that for us too so I'm not surprised on it. And shes even making friends. All i know is its a little girl named Sophie. She isn't there yet when we drop Kady off and is gone before Kady is picked up. But I'm happy for her!
She even is coming home with new dances. She wouldn't learn these for me but maybe its the peer pressure. Shes learning "I'm a little tea pot." She even has the hip action. Its too funny and cute! I cant wait til her Xmas play :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Before leaving for trick or treating

playing with her pumpkin

Got her first candy of the night :)

On to the next place
We kept trick or treating small this year due to the fact that Kady, Mom, and Grandpa are all sick. And also Kady was on a no nap kind of day was getting really tired. Plus how much candy does a 2 year old need? But she still really enjoyed herself!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Earlier this week we took Kady to the pumpkin patch and she absolutely loved it. She was busy walking around touching all of them. She would pick up the little pumpkins and say "no" and just throw them down. Good thing she didn't break any of them!

She found the one and wouldn't let go of it

Kady showing Daddy the way

And just minutes after we left

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

bday cont.

Kady with her cousin Drew and cousin Olivia


Cakes as big as her

Singing happy birthday