Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Not much is new in our house, so i will just post some random pics of Kady.

loves her baths

Playing in the sand at Cousin Drews bday party

At Drews bday
On a wedding note...we have our officiant lined up. YAY

Monday, September 13, 2010

summer fun

Here are a few pics of Kady during one of the summer heat waves..enjoy

Sunday, September 12, 2010

yummy salad

Lately when when we eat a salad Kady has been coming up wanting the cucumber, carrots and cabbage out of it. So the other day when I made my salad I had put all those things with a tiny bit of ranch in her own bowl and she LOVED it. Makes me happy too that shes eating her veggies! Now only if she would use a fork. But we are working on that. Ive been giving her a waffle for breakfast and been getting stern with her that she needs to use the fork and not her fingers. And I'm also getting stern at sitting down while eating. She has ALWAYS been on the go and wont sit still for anything. I'm just so done with it and shes gonna have to learn before school starts.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dr visit

Kady had a small Dr visit today where he wasn't happy with her speech, or lack thereof. Shes been on a 6-10 word vocabulary for a while now, but its different words each time. For instance, one of her first words was "water" and well she hasn't said that work in about 9 months. So he is going to send us to an Audiologist to make sure everything is fine and rule out any sort of problem. But on a positive Kady is still on the right track for everything else. She is currently 25.9lbs and 35 3/4inches. So she still is tall and thin.