Saturday, August 7, 2010

sacramento zoo

So Jimmy and I finally got a day off together and decided to take Kady to the Sac zoo. This was her first time to a zoo! And well she loved it! Not so much the heat but she loved seeing all the animals. I think her favorite were the tigers. Maybe because she loves kittys.

It was a nice zoo but it was really small. Jimmy now wants to take her to Marine World (or whatever its called now) so she can see the dolphins and whales.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

pudding face

This is what happens when Kady feeds her self chocolate pudding! Like how she is trying to act innocent :)

On a side note she is finally saying words, well when she wants. She said "whats this" last night. And today she told Grandma "duster" and told me when i got home form work "kiss." Im so proud of her!!